Massage and Alternative Treatments:
Mixing played an important role in the everyday life of ancient civilizations. The ancient peoples used massage in sports, medicine and wellness.
In Ancient Greece, friction was given great importance to athletes and gladiators as a means of preparation and rehabilitation. After the efficacy they saw in athletes, they added it to medicine for the treatment of diseases and later to
prevention against diseases.
It was observed that a healthy, strong organism had greater resistance to the disease and through mixing they offered overall health, well-being and rejuvenation. Due to its above effect, it was used for aesthetic and psychological purposes because it affects
positive at all levels of the human body.
Mixing prevents diseases, restores tissues and joints, gives good mood and rejuvenation and affects the appearance of the skin!
Frequency depends on the needs of each organization. At the end of each species an indicative frequency is proposed.
“The doctor must know many things, but he must surely know how to rub. Because the friction can tighten one very loose joint and loosen another very tight”