

Yoga is an ancient Indian science and philosophy that practices body and mind.
The aim through its practice is to help man unite his aspects!
In this way, it can free itself from its internal conflicts, maintain its
peace within it, and have access to a better way of life! Yoga approaches
man holistically. Allows the trainee to maintain well-being at all levels,
while cultivating strength and flexibility in the body and mind.

Systematic training cultivates:

  • A strong, agile, and lighter body
  • A flexible spine
  • Better posture
  • Balance and stability
  • Inner peace
  • Self-esteem
  • The image we have of our bodies and their potential
  • Awareness of body, spirit, and mind
  • Coordination and memory
  • The ability to learn and better manage information
  • The ability to solve problems better
  • Improves sleep quality
  • Clarity and relaxation of the mind
  • Creative skills

‘’Yoga takes you into the present moment.

The only place, where life exists.’’


Hatha Yoga:

Hatha Yoga focuses on physical health and mental well-being.

It is the most classical method of Yoga and the most widespread in the West.

In each asana (physical posture) we focus on body alignment, observation and internal movement. The body is the starting point. Breathing, coordination and awareness accompany each asana. In this way the inner harmony is cultivated in a strong and agile vehicle, the body. We use asanas (physical postures), pranayama (breathing techniques), dyana (meditation) in order to strengthen the body and calm the mind.

Hatha Yoga classes are delivered from individual level to large groups.

It takes place online, at home or on our site.

Hatha Flow Yoga:

It’s a quick lesson with a flow of motion. It is aimed at trainees who have conquered the basic asanas, pranayama, have cultivated alignment and coordination. It focuses on the synchronization of movement and breathing.

Hatha Flow Yoga classes are delivered from individual level to large groups.

It takes place online, at home or on our site.

Gentle Yoga:

Emphasis is placed on alignment, breathing and gentle movements.

It’s a lesson in polite approach. Suitable for those who have pains, injuries or other special conditions or those who like to work more slowly. Ideal for old age.

Gentle Yoga classes are delivered from individual level to large groups.

It takes place online, at home or on our site.

Yoga Nidra:

Yoga Nidra or Yoga sleep is a technique of deep relaxation of the body and mind. It is an ancient powerful method of preventing the senses from reality.

Everyday life overwhelms us with so many stimuli that the brain needs boards of rest and silence to calm down and hear one’s own voice, its own inner compass.

Its systematic practice offers:

  • Full physical, mental and emotional relaxation
  • Clarity of mind
  • Strengthening and maintaining energy in the body
  • Strengthening the immune system
  • Balancing the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system
  • Inner peace and awakening of joy
  • Creativity, inspiration and vision

Suitable for those who:

  • Find difficulty during sleep
  • They sleep, but they don’t rest.
  • They’re stressed out and they’re looking for a way to eliminate it.
  • They want to free themselves from emotional tensions.
  • They feel stagnant and look for meaning in their lives.
  • They want to cut or reduce a habit like smoking, negative thoughts
  • They want to do an introspection.
  • They want to awaken their creative part

If you currently feel ready to make a decision, make a change, see issues that concern you, if you want to improve your sleep, your diet, your physical and psychological health. If you want to free yourself from all your tension we invite you to try the benefits of this technique.

Yoga Nidra classes are delivered from individual level to large groups.

It takes place online, at home or on our site.

Yoga Kids

Yoga for children is a fun way to work out and develop important skills in an environment where competition is lacking.

From an early age children live under pressure from school and extracurricular activities. The stress of success and failure afflicts children, as the rhythms of everyday life create stressful conditions. Children’s Yoga restores them to a purer and more non-competitive model of life, helping them manage their intense daily life and later life.

The child through Yoga:

  • Acquires a strong and flexible body
  • Becomes emotionally aware
  • Improves self-confidence and expression
  • He learns to respect his classmates and love himself.
  • He learns to breathe quietly, slowly and deeply, which helps him find his peace of mind.
  • Cultivates collaboration and team spirit
  • Learns about nature, animals and the environment
  • He’s learning to cooperate, not compete.
  • Taught to calm down and eliminate stress
  • Taught values by the philosophy of Yoga

Children’s Yoga classes are delivered from individual level to large groups.

It takes place online, at home or on our site.

Yoga Nidra classes are delivered from individual level to large groups.

It takes place online, at home or on our site.

Prenatal Yoga

Yoga for pregnant women or Prenatal Yoga is not just a way of training or a method of relaxation but contributes to the smooth development of pregnancy and childbirth.

The body and psychology of the expectant mother changes from day to day, from week to week and from quarter to quarter has a different body. Yoga during pregnancy is a beautiful path to this miracle of life. It is a specially designed course that changes quarterly and prepares the expectant mother physically and psychologically to welcome her baby.

Yoga through the quiet alternations of attitudes, breathing, special visions and meditation helps the natural flow of the birth process, strengthens the mother to maintain her calm so that she hears her baby, his needs and hers. It’s a therapeutic connection that promotes the emotional bond between mother and baby. Her mood changes pleasantly, and as the baby is influenced by the mother’s mood, each lesson is transformed into a mother-child meeting in their sacred space, in the female human body!

Yoga classes for pregnant women are delivered from an individual level to a small group.

It takes place online, at home or on our site.


AcroYoga is a dynamic, fun lesson. It is slowly being built with yoga postures in groups of 2, 3, 4 people. Through trying to interact with others, we learn to trust, participate and have fun in a spirit of teamwork rather than competition. Acro Yoga is one of the most fun ways to work out!

Through AcroYoga:

You get a strong and flexible body
You’re getting out of your way, playing and laughing like a kid.
You trust yourself and others.
Improves self-confidence, self-esteem and creative expression
Communication, cooperation and team spirit are favoured
The best posture, balance and stability is cultivated
You’re changing your image of your body and its potential.
Coordination, memory and support within the group is cultivated

Acro Yoga classes are delivered from an individual level to a small group.

It takes place at your place.

Detox Breathing Yoga

Lack of oxygen affects entire cellular function. Cells that are not oxygenated, do not feed and then die. So lack of oxygen is associated with the onset of diseases. The difficulty of the body to manage the harmful effect of free radicals (oxidative stress) is the main cause of inflammation and other ailments and is of course largely responsible for the appearance of premature aging.

Detox Yoga focuses on specific asanas(physical postures), with a combination of many pranayama (respiratory techniques).
Strengthening the body with oxygen creates favourable conditions for health promotion. Extra oxygen fights symptoms and causes of diseases so the body is protected from oxidative stress and fights free radicals.

Some of the benefits are:

  • Oxygenated blood and entire cellular function
  • Stimulates digestion and cleanses the gastrointestinal system
  • Stimulates the thyroid gland and balances the hormonal system
  • Improves the immune system, overall health and skin appearance
  • Strengthens memory and ability to concentrate
  • Increases energy levels in the body
  • Increased respiratory function and endurance
  • Relieves pain
  • Delays old age

Detox Yoga classes are delivered from individual level to large groups.

It takes place online, at home or on our site.

Yoga of the 5 Elements

Yoga of 5 elements is psychosomatic exercises, with therapeutic sounds aimed at
have the balancing of energy channels (Mesymrin). Its basis is the
Chinese Medicine and recent discoveries of Nerve-Biology, as it is based on
scientific research in the field of consciousness.
The Yoga of 5 elements creates the extremely strong basis for the development of
internal energy and releases its flow throughout the internal energy

The results of the technique are:

  • Harmony of the central nervous system
  • Creating new brain synesthies
  • Reprogramming genes and cells
  • Harmony in the energy system alongside increased energy in the body
  • Psychosomatic Health
  • Treatment of Mental Injuries
  • Change of restrictive beliefs
  • Connecting with the authentic self
  • Activate the Hara Center through highly dynamic practices
  • It enhances the microcosmic orbit and electromagnetic energy field.
  • Alkaline Body
  • Antibacterial and antioxidant action through the activation of
    autonomic nervous system and Interleukin protein 10
  • Production of serotonin and phytocin, hormones of joy, psychosomatic calm
    and love
  • Activate the hormone DMT dimethyltryptamine naturally.
  • It balances the relationship between emotions, bodily organs and

Yoga Nidra classes are delivered from individual level to large groups.

It takes place online, at home or on our site.