Relaxation and Meditation Techniques

Relaxation and Meditation Techniques:


In the modern age we live the external stimuli are so much around us that we are unable to
Rest. The brain accepts and processes so much information that it needs planks
Rest. The senses receive a volume of messages that this creates space for stress and depression.
Once the mechanism of action or flight was activated only when we were really in danger. This
situation was on the rise while the threat lasted. Now humanity accepts on a permanent basis
pressures from its surroundings and are often also coated with noble behaviors.
This keeps the mechanism of action or flight constantly activated. Hormones water cells
and this creates stress that leads to psychological and physical disorders.

Yoga Nidra:

Yoga Nidra or Yoga sleep is a technique of deep relaxation of the body and
of the mind. It is an ancient powerful method of preventing the senses from
Reality. Everyday life overwhelms us with so many stimuli that the
brain needs boards of rest and silence to rest and listen
no one’s own voice.


Its systematic practice offers:


  • Complete physical, mental and emotional relaxation.
    Clarity of mind.
  • Strengthen and maintain energy in the body.
  • Strengthening the immune system.
  • Balancing the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system.
  • Inner peace and awakening of joy.
  • Creativity, inspiration and vision.


Suitable for those who:


  • They find it difficult during sleep.
  • They sleep, but they don’t rest.
  • They’re stressed out and they’re looking for a way to eliminate it.
  • They want to free themselves from emotional tensions.
  • They feel stagnant and look for meaning again in their lives.
  • They want to cut or reduce a habit like smoking, negative thoughts.
  • They want to do an introspection.
  • They want to awaken their creative part.

If you currently feel ready to make a decision, make a change, see issues that concern you, if you want to improve your sleep, your diet, your physical and psychological health. If you want to free yourself from all your tension we invite you to try the benefits of this technique.


Yoga Nidra classes are delivered from individual level to large groups.

It takes place online, at home or on our site.

Yoga for Stress Management

Yoga stress management focuses on controlled breathing, meditation,
physical and internal movement. It relies on movement without violence, allowing the body to
to move on its own, listening to it and offering it a peaceful ground to
free from stress and tension of emotional loads.


When yoga is used to manage anxiety, the benefits are:


  • Reduces cortisol levels in the body.
  • Improves overall health infected by stress.
  • Reduces heart rate.
  • Improves respiratory function.
  • Softens the tension in the muscles.
  • The immune system is improving.
  • Increases mental clarity and development.
  • Slows old age by fighting free radicals.
  • It frees the body from stress and toxins.
  • It awakens feelings of joy, gratitude and calm.


Yoga lessons for stress management are delivered from individual level to large groups.

It takes place online, at home or on our site

Detox Breathing Yoga

Lack of oxygen affects entire cellular function. Cells that are not
oxygenated, do not feed and then die. Thus the lack of oxygen is associated with
the occurrence of diseases. The difficulty of the body to manage the harmful
effect of free radicals (oxidative stress) is the main cause of
inflammations and other ailments and is of course largely responsible for the occurrence of
premature ageing.
Detox Yoga focuses on specific asanas(physical postures), with a combination of
many pranayama techniques (respiratory techniques).
Strengthening the body with oxygen creates favourable conditions for the promotion of
health care. Extra oxygen fights symptoms and causes of diseases so
protects the body from oxidative stress and fights free radicals.

Some of the benefits are:


  • Oxygenated blood and entire cellular function.
  • Stimulates digestion and cleanses the gastrointestinal system.
  • It stimulates the thyroid gland and balances the hormonal system.
  • Improves the immune system.
  • Improves the health and appearance of the skin.
  • Strengthens memory and ability to concentrate.
  • Increases energy levels in the body.
  • Increased respiratory function and endurance.
  • It relieves the pain.
  • It delays old age.


Detox Yoga classes are delivered from individual level to large groups.

It takes place online, at home or on our site.


Meditation is the concentration of attention in the here and now.

In a survey entitled Meditation,
melatoninandbreast/prostatecancer made by scientists A.O. Massion, J. Teas, J.R. Hebert, M.D. Wertheimer, J. Kabat-Zinn in 1995, meditation has been defined as “maintaining control of
attention, in the service of self-observation, in the here and now.”


It should be noted that when we talk about meditation we are talking about the state of meditation. Very
meditation is often confused with the technique that will be used to drive someone into a state of
Meditation. Meditation techniques are too many and different for each to find the one
suits him, the one that will lead him to a meditative state. Some techniques focus on
concentration on an object, repetition of a mantra, dynamic kinetic meditation,
observation of breathing, sensations and more. So there is a wide range of techniques for
to find each one that suits him.

What are the benefits of meditation:

Increases energy levels in the body.
Increases the levels of joy in the body.
It increases confidence.
It increases mental discipline.
Reduces the mobility of the restless mind.
It quiets desires.
Improves sleep levels.
Reduces stress levels.
Improves levels of depression.
It enhances the qualities of acceptance, love, compassion, gratitude.

Recent research at the University of California (UCLA) has shown that people who meditate on
long period of time in their lives – on average twenty years – have been shown to be more youthful
brain cells and a larger volume of grey matter.

Each of us seeks happiness, quietness, harmony, peace, happiness. No, no, no, no, no, no
we do, we often feel unsatisfied, we feel pain, anger, as if we are walking against the
our path. Because we’re walking down our path. We’re looking at exogenous factors for our joy, and we need to find it in our inner state.
When you are in a state of meditation you can perceive reality and others as they are. You can express yourself as it is, without trying to be digestible! Be
lucid with your thoughts, authentic with your communication, in accordance with your nature, you are a
pure consciousness, like when you were a kid! You’re a transcendent dance that brings along figures of peace, harmony, joy.
When you are in a meditative state you are again the perfection of existence!


Meditation techniques are delivered from individual level to large groups.

It takes place online, at home or on our site.

Yoga of the 5 Elements:

Yoga of 5 elements is psychosomatic exercises, with therapeutic sounds aimed at
have the balancing of energy channels (Mesymrin). Its basis is the
Chinese Medicine and recent discoveries of Nerve-Biology, as it is based on
scientific research in the field of consciousness.
The Yoga of 5 elements creates the extremely strong basis for the development of
internal energy and releases its flow throughout the internal energy


The results of the technique are:


  • Harmony of the central nervous system
  • Creating new brain synesthies
  • Reprogramming genes and cells
  • Harmony in the energy system alongside increased energy in the body
    Psychosomatic Health
  • Treatment of Mental Injuries
  • Change of restrictive beliefs
  • Connecting with the authentic self
  • Activate the Hara Center through highly dynamic practices
  • It enhances the microcosmic orbit and electromagnetic energy field.
    Alkaline Body
  • Antibacterial and antioxidant action through the activation of
    autonomic nervous system and Interleukin protein 10
  • Production of serotonin and phytocin, hormones of joy, psychosomatic calm
    and love
  • Activate the hormone DMT dimethyltryptamine naturally.
  • It balances the relationship between emotions, bodily organs and


Yoga lessons of 5 elements are delivered from individual level to large groups.

It takes place online, at home or on our site.